Shepherd Leasing

Shepherd Leasing

If housing is difficult for low-income working families, individuals with mental health disabilities face even more challenges. This program addresses a critical need in Prince William County communities.

In 2007, the Foundation collaborated with the Prince William County Community Services Board to apply for a grant from the US Housing and Urban Development. The goal of the project was to secure partial funding for a program designed to offer permanent, supportive housing to homeless individuals who have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness. The program was based on a “Housing First” approach, which prioritizes providing housing before addressing other needs.

The Shepherd Homes Leasing Program offers affordable supported housing in leased apartments that are spread out throughout PWC. Additionally, the PWC Community Services Board provides its participants with a wide range of mental health support services.

For over 15 years, the Foundation has successfully managed this program in partnership with the Community Services team, utilizing the Housing First model.

Program availability is by referral only through PWC Coordinated Entry and PWC Community Services.